This is a cool little minor mode hack for Emacs. It’s like a last-typed heat map.
Onlookers will be amazed as you burn up the screen with your brilliant code.
Update: Rafal Jedruszek’s site above has gone AWOL, so I am preserving a copy here:
Highlight Tail (3408 downloads ) version 1.3.9 (02 Apr 2007).
This Script can be easily updated to update on fade out on keypresses on time rather than time by adding a removing a few lines. The changes are shown below.
~ Line 539:
(defun highlight-tail-make-new-overlay ()
“Make new highlight in the current point.”
(let* ((end-point (point))
(start-point (1- end-point))
(point-face-bgcolor-hex nil))
;; remove any highlight-tail’s overlays at point
(let ((overlays-at-start-point (highlight-tail-overlays-at start-point))
~ Line 1051:
(setq highlight-tail-fading-timer
(if (featurep ‘xemacs) ()()))
;(start-itimer “highlight-tail-fade-out-step”
; ‘highlight-tail-fade-out-step
; highlight-tail-timer
; highlight-tail-timer)
;(run-at-time nil highlight-tail-timer
; ‘highlight-tail-fade-out-step)))
(setq highlight-tail-defaultbgcolor-timer