This whole Obama tax misquote propaganda thing is getting out of hand.
As seen on Facebook:
- McCain Supporter changes status to “thinks she better run and buy her new ride today before all her money is taken by taxes after tomorrow”
- Obama Supporter changes status to “<Obama Supporter> is wondering if the <McCain Supporter> is making over 250k a year, and if so, can he get a bit of the action. Hook a brother up!”
- <McCain Supporter>
Apparently you don’t watch the news, you only need to make $120K to get screwed now. - <Obama Supporter>
Hmmm… haven’t heard that on the stations I watch. Send me a link.
Bill Richardson stumping for Obama- <Obama Supporter>
That clip says if you make <120k, you’ll get a tax cut. It does not say that if you make over it, you’ll get a tax increase, which is what I’m assuming you’re referring to. Are you defining getting screwed as not getting a tax cut, or by having your taxes raised? - <McCain Supporter>
It’s only a matter of time.Moment of Zen
- <Obama Supporter>
In 5 billion years, the sun will turn into a Red Giant. After a few million years, it will become a White Dwarf. Then, after tens of billions of years, it will burn out. It’s only a matter of time.
The Obama guy was honest enough to follow the McCain-ite’s bulletproof logic through to it’s natural and inevitable conclusion: If Barack Obama is elected to the Presidency of the United States of America, the sun will cease to shine. He’ll get your money… AND YOUR SUNLIGHT.
Oy vey. Go Obama.
I guess the is the epitomy of the Democratic party. “can I get some of that action” what can I get for nothing? The Democrats want to Tax me more becasue, I make more money than someone else. WHY? I worked just as hard, or harder for my money, why should the people who make less than me, get a break, and I get taxed up the backside? I don’t understand why that is the way it should be. Do I think that people who make more money, should have loopholes that allow them to get away with not paying the right amount for their taxes? NO! I think that there should be more policing of taxes, i.e- IRS, checking more of the returnes. catch the people who get away with so much, take their money and not my money, that I work so hard for, and pay the correct amount of taxes on. I see that people who make under $42,000 get a huge credit, and people who make over $120,000 get a kick in the groin. It makes it so in the end we actually only made the same as the other guy, who only actually made $42,000. Becaseu they take so much of it. I ask you , is that fair? there HAS to e a better way!
See my reply here.