Just saw the jets (finally) fly over Central Square, so here is Nick Mills’ ode to the team, the park, and the town.
Opening Day at Fenway
It’s opening day at Fenway
And a thrill is in the air
The champs are back in town
And there’s a hum in Kenmore square
The long cold winters over now
The snows have gone away
The sun is getting higher
And it’s warmer day by day
Emerging from our overcoats
Like moths from our cocoons
We spread our wings and point our hearts
Towards April, Mays and Junes
When the seasons full of promise
And the field’s full of dreams
And the old ball yard on Yawkey way
Is bursting at the seams.
It’s opening day at Fenway
And the fans are streaming in
From Southie, Newton, Roxbury
From Everett and Lynn
The ushers in their bright red coats
Are dusting off the chairs
The boys are selling popcorn
And yelling up and down the stairs.
It’s opening day at Fenway
And by some peculiar quirk
Some thirty thousand people
Have the same day off from work
Ten thousand aunts are sacrificed
On the alter of opening day
Their funeral processions
All end up on Yawkey way
The seats are filling up now
The opening pitch is near
The bleacher bums get settled with
Their plastic cups of beer
For some fans it’s their first game
For some perhaps their last
But all are here united
With the glory’s of the past
They gaze upon that green expanse
Where heroes played the game
Williams, Yaz and Manny
And more of lesser fame.
It’s opening day at Fenway
The pitchers on the mound
The patch of earth in Boston
once again is sacred ground
Heroes of tomorrow and ghosts of yesterday
Line up along the foul line
as the anthem starts to play
Now the rabble in the bleacher seats
Takes up the ancient call
It rumbles through the grandstand
And rattles off the wall
Play Ball the thirty thousand call
Let the game begin
It’s opening day at Fenway
And the Sox are gonna win.