Doxed and Dees’d

Someone has to do something pretty heinous to get doxed by Anonymous and Dees’d by David Dees all in one day.

That someone is NYPD Deputy Inspector Anthony V. Bologna. And that something would happen to be aggressively macing protesters at the Occupy Wallstreet protest yesterday.

Here’s a breakdown of the incident in question:

The result has been a growing sense of outrage, with Anonymous publicly pastebinning the deputy inspector’s personal details, and prompting David Dees to whip up one of his famous illustrations.

For once Dees didn’t have to apply creative license to get his point across.

Predictably, the mainsteam media has largely been ignoring the protests and this incident in particular. Hats off to Lawrence O’Donnell for taking this on and telling it like it is.

tinyint(1) showing as bit?

If Java is showing you tinyint(1) as a boolean bitfield, that’s probably because MySQL recently changed the behavior of tinyint:

As of MySQL 5.0.3, a BIT data type is available for storing bit-field values. (Before 5.0.3, MySQL interprets BIT as TINYINT(1).) In MySQL 5.0.3, BIT is supported only for MyISAM. MySQL 5.0.5 extends BIT support to MEMORY, InnoDB, BDB, and NDBCLUSTER.

To convince your JDBC driver to show you tinyint for the tiny little int that it actually is, rather than as a boolean, try setting the tinyInt1isBit=false parameter when connecting.

Outlook macros and self-signed certs on Windows 7

If you are trying to get some custom macros to work with Outlook as outlined, for example, here and here, you may be befuddled to discover that that your macros fail silently; usually after restarting Outlook. This is because Outlook is quietly disabling all macros because it hates youI mean, because it doesn’t trust you.  That is to say, it doesn’t trust your self-signed cert.

In Windows 7 it appears as though self-signed certs have to first be copied into a “trusted” group before they can be used. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Run certmgr.msc as an Administrator.
  2. Open the “Personal” tree node in the left pane.
  3. Open the “Certificates” node under the Personal node.
  4. Note that your self-signed certificate appears in the right pane.  It may have a red “X” through it.
  5. Double-click the certificate in the right pane to see instructions about copying the certificate to the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” store.  Good thing these important details are so easy to discover.
  6. Hold down the control key and drag the cert into “Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates” which should appear immediately below the Personal node.
  7. Follow any prompts to completion.  The red “X” should disappear and your cert should know have a key icon attached to it.
  8. Inside Outlook, re-associate this cert with your macro.
  9. Restart Outlook for the new cert to be applied.

And voila, Outlook trusts you again.

Not, of course, that you should every fully trust it back.