Apparently it’s not working for me…

This comes across my radar every once-in-awhile.  Here’s yet another recent article from the Independant which talks about caffeine and cognitive health.

I first came across this research all the way back in 2008 from this Slashdot post. According to a BBC article, regular doses of caffeine may actually help prevent dementia, as shown in experiments on rabbits.

And this is all well and good, but what I want to know is what is science doing to protect us from what are apparently marauding bands of demented super rabbits?

I think I need more coffee.


Unable to open web project ‘xyz’…

Okay, so I’m working on project in Visual Basic.NET.  Using Visual Studio 2003.  And it’s really, really bad code.

You there, stop snickering!

Anyway, the point of this post is that, if you see the above error, it probably has to do with a bad path in your .sln file pulled down via SVN or other.  Open it in Notepad and change:

Project("{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F}") = "IPTV", "http://localhost/somepath/IPTV.vbproj", "{AD96074E-13E6-47B2-8B61-14FCE9EE9377}"
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject

to resemble how you configured IIS.

This is Epoch

Literally. I was just alerted to this site here:

As you can see, in less than five days the Epoch time will reach 1234567890.  Ephoch time is, of course, POSIX time, a popular time-keeping method for Unix which is measured in the number of seconds that have passed since the POSIX clock started virtually ticking at midnight on January 1, 1970 (not including leap seconds).

I hereby call on all geeks everywhere to begin immediate global Epoch time party mobilization.   We’re gonna party like it’s 915148800!!

Or, well technically we’re going to party like it’s 915148800 + 319419090 plus or minus some leap seconds.  Which happens to also be this coming Friday the thirteenth.  Which might be unlucky except that it falls before Valentine’s day in the year of the Bull, so…

Er.. Nevermind, just get some booze and spread the word.

Coats for Cubs

We’ve been wondering what to do with our mother’s old fur coats.  They hang in the back of the coat closet closet; a poignant reminder of things lost, and left to lose.

Considered giving the furs away to the local Glad Rags, however donating “thrift furs” didn’t really seem to make a lot of sense.  Looking around for alternatives I came across Coats for Cubs, a campaign run by the US Humane Society.

Coats for Cubs repurposes furs into “blankets” for orphaned animals.  According to the C4C site, “The furry blanket becomes a surrogate mother to orphaned animals, reducing stress and giving comfort.”  Over 200 rehabilitators in the US and Canada participate in the program.

See the Coats for Cubs web site for to learn more about the program and how to donate.