Mantis 1.1.0 Released

I’m a big fan of the Mantis Issue Tracker, an open source project in PHP.  Have been using for years. Version 1.1.0 was finally released this last week and includes some very nice usability improvements.

The new time tracking system, though simple, should actually be quite powerful. “Out of box” inclusion of MantisConnect will also be of interest to anyone wanting tighter integration with external applications or their favorite IDE.

Mantis State Plugin

For the longest time now I’ve wanted a view in Mantis that could show me, at a glance, what’s receiving attention and what’s falling through the cracks.

Vincent Debout has recently released an excellent plugin manager for Mantis; so I’ve attempted to whip something up. The Mantis State plugin contains a matrix view listing out issues in left-to-right, top-to-bottom in order of last update. Font size indicates priority. Blinking issues are severe.

Right now this probably works well for smaller projects, but could get difficult to view with a large number of issues. Would be nice if Mantis’ current filtering system could plug into this.


You can see from this sample view that one of our projects has a number of items reported sometime back that are not getting looked at. Oops.

If you’d like to test it out, feel free to download an early alpha version here: Mantis State (3165 downloads )

Includes some simple Japanese localization.

Update: Recieved a request last week to update the broken uninstaller.  Link above updated as of September 2008.